Neither candidate made a “major gaffe.”
That said, fact-checkers on both sides will no doubt find “errors” concerning legislative votes, etc. by the other side’s candidates.
My sense is Sen. Obama made more of those errors.
We’ll see when the “final counts” are in.
But for sure neither candidate made a game-changer factual error.
After the first debate, I mentioned Sen. McCain’s failure to look at Obama; and said it was an unforced error.
McCain did some looking at the camera tonight, but not as much as Obama.
Points for Obama on that.
Joe the plumber was big tonight.
You would have thought McCain was his oldest and best friend.
I thought McCain was clinging desperately to Joe as his “campaign-saver.”
Obama demonstrated a reasonable degree of care for Joe at the same time he put across some of his economic plans.
I give lots of points to Obama for the way he deflected McCain’s response to the Ayers question moderator Bob Schieffer laid in McCain’s lap.
McCain bungled the question.
He offered nothing that would IMO persuade an undecided voter the Obama-Ayers relationship was important and should trouble us.
If anything, McCain seemed apologetic for even having to discuss Ayers.
Obama responded to McCain’s inept thrusts with seeming effortlessness that must have left many viewers wondering what all the Obama-Ayers fuss has been about.
Wright, of course, was never mentioned.
“I’m John McCain and I approve never mentioning Rev. Wright.”
Do any of you need a snap poll to tell you this was a very good night for Obama?
Mind you, I’m not in Obama’s camp; just sharing with you my first thoughts.
I’ll say more tomorrow.
What did you think?
The thing that bothered me most during the debates was the smiley smirk that Obama used every time McCain said something about a negative aspect of his campaign.
It was too dismissive and my thoughts went back to grade school when some snotty kid sure of himself looked down on other kids knowing he was in control.
It made me feel less kindly toward Obama. Before, I didn't really dislike him at all.
Now I do and I hope his condescending attitude finds itself rammed back into his smiley face in November.
And I'm tired of Joe the Plummer.
Don't worry about him. He'll probably have a book deal by tomorrow afternoon.
Hat tip to NDLax84 for posting this on Liestoppers
You have to pinch yourself - a Marxisant radical who all his life has been mentored by, sat at the feet of, worshipped with, befriended, endorsed the philosophy of, funded and been in turn funded, politically promoted and supported by a nexus comprising black power anti-white racists, Jew-haters, revolutionary Marxists, unrepentant former terrorists and Chicago mobsters, is on the verge of becoming President of the United States. And apparently it's considered impolite to say so.
~Melanie Phillips, The Spectator
(sorry, can't post the link properly)
Did John McCain say medical insurance for a family costs about $5,800? And his plan was to allow a tax credit of $5,000 per family? I don't think $5,800 is even close to the actual cost - family medical insurance is probably closer to $14,000 a year, for moderate coverage and several thousand deductible plus co-pay.
John: I agree with your assessment of the third debate. I thought at times McCain looked like a confused old man trying to speak, but couldn't remember what he was talking about. St. Barack's smirk was evident, but do you think the MSM will go at it like they did Dubya's smirk? McCain didn't change the game, but then St. Barack didn't "close." All in all, I was very disappointed in McCain's performance.
Tarheel Hawkeye
I cannot understand anyone thinking a debate defines a candidate well enough to vote for them. In that scenario a smooth talking fraud could hoodwink people into voting for them. We know the moderator can be biased, the questions can be skewed toward one candidate, and after the debate the talking heads say exactly what we knew they would say.
The media has hyped these debates far beyond their worth. I read today that most people know who they support, the polls are weighed to fit the bias of the pollsters, and about only three percent of probable voters have not made up their minds.
We know the MSM is not to be trusted, the polls are not to be trusted, and some debates are rigged. Why would anyone value a debater from a polluted source for president? These debates just create more biased misinformation from the media fewer and fewer people trust any longer.
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