Early Wednesday morning ROTC buildings on the campuses of North Carolin State University in Raleigh and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill were vandalized. The Raleigh News & Observer reported:
Vandals staged attacks early Wednesday on the buildings used by the Reserve Officers' Training Corps at N.C. State University and UNC-Chapel Hill, echoing similar assaults on three Triangle recruiting stations last month.Today, N&O columnist Dennis Rogers described the vandals, and then want on and talked about the military. Here's part of what he said about the vandals:
As before, vandals sprayed anti-war slogans and profanity, splashed red paint and claimed responsibility with a mass e-mail message to area media outlets....
They're politically inspired vandals who skulk through the night to spread their spoor because they're neither brave nor committed enough to stand and deliver in the light of day.Rogers has it right. We know what kind of Chapel Hill and Raleigh we'd all have if the American military wasn't around.
George Orwell, whose grim novels "1984" and "Animal Farm" cast doubt on the survival of free societies, saw such weasels for what they are: moral and intellectual cowards who offer stirring words about peace but shy away from defending it themselves. Instead, they denigrate those who do.
In an essay called "Notes on Nationalism" written 51 years ago, Orwell said of their type: "Those who abjure violence can only do so because others are committing violence on their behalf."
While I'm on a literary tack, let me also offer this well-aimed dart from Rudyard Kipling: "Yes, making mock o' uniforms that guard you while you sleep."
Rogers closes with this:
The guest of honor at a recent party I attended was a 19-year-old home from boot camp. I have watched Evan Gearino grow from a good kid to an even better man who looks you in the eye and is ready to defend his country. He is neither poor nor a person of color. He is a proud United States Marine.Rogers says a lot more. You can read it all here.
We live in dangerous and imperfect times.
Someday, Evan may be called on to commit the violence necessary for us to sleep soundly at night. The childish marauders who insult people like him are not worthy to wipe the dirt from his boots.
And then maybe send the column link on to a friend.
We need to keep speaking up for our military.
We need to honor and thank them and their families.
Heaven forbid we ever come to the day when the vandals have gotten their way.
Hat Tip: Mike Williams