Readers note: On August 5 I posted To The Chronicle’s New Editor . The post is republished below.
In the post I asked questions of The Chronicle’s new editor, David Graham.
Graham’s response, which he labeled “off the record,” follows the post.
Since I’d never had any contact with Graham prior to our exchange, I sent him an email explaining why his “off the record” without prior discussion and agreement between us was problematic. That email follows Graham’s.
I end this post with some further comments.
Readers Note: Trinity junior David Graham is the new editor of The Chronicle. In a recent article he introduced himself to the Duke community and outlined what he hopes The Chronicle will accomplish under his editorship. If you haven’t already done so, I hope you take a look at what Graham wrote.
I've just sent Graham the following electronic letter.
David Graham, Editor
The Chronicle
Dear Editor Graham:
I read with interest your July 25 article, Living up to the billing.
I wish you well as you begin your editorship. The goals and Chronicle services you highlight are impressive and important for Duke. I support them with just a few exceptions.
I’ll share one of those exceptions with you now.
You say:
For those of us who write for The Chronicle, it was also a very exciting time, as we competed and rubbed elbows with top-notch reporters and got to follow a story of national interest. At the same time, it became almost a single focus for us, consuming much of our time and the pages of this paper.
But with Nifong out of office, charges dismissed and most of the loose ends of the case tied up, both Duke and The Chronicle are ready to move on.
Ready to move on?
The Chronicle? OK, you're the editor.
The Allen Building? For sure.
But Duke?
As the last academic year was ending, Duke students took ads in The Chronicle calling on the Group of 88 to explain why they did what they did and to apologize. About 1,000 students endorsed a full-page ad that asked President Brodhead to finally stand up for them.
I wonder whether many of those students weren’t thinking of things like Brodhead’s silence on May 18, 2006 when racists, including members of the New Black Panther’s Party who openly boast of carrying guns, shouted threats, including death threats, at Reade Seligmann.
Brodhead has never explained why he didn’t speak out then and hasn’t since.
Has The Chronicle ever reported on Brodhead’s silence? Or the silence of all but a few faculty then and since? What about the silence of every trustee then and since? And then there's The Chronicle's own editorial silence.
We can agree, Editor Graham, there was a time many American universities abandoned their students when they were threatened by racists. But that stopped during the Civil Rights marches in the 60s.
Is there even one university which in the last 40 years has abandoned a student as Duke under Dick Brodhead abandoned Reade Seligmann on May 18, 2006?
If there is, how did that university "move on?"
Beginning on March 24, 2006 and for many days thereafter, the Durham Police repeatedly told the public about horrific crimes they said were committed at a party hosted by Duke students.
We don’t know why the police did that. We haven’t even identified and held accountable the police supervisors who approved the false statements the police spokesman was making.
We do know DPD’s repeated and shocking lies about Duke students stirred tensions and angers in the community, thus making Duke/Durham a more dangerous place. While that was true for all of us living here, it was and remains especially true for Duke students.
Shouldn't President Brodhead and "Dick's senior team" get some answers from DPD before they and The Chronicle decide "There's nothing to see here. Move on. Go back to your classrooms. If anything turns up, Sgt. Gottlieb will send us all an email?"
Editor Graham, I don't want this to get too long, so I'll move on now myself.
I look forward to your response, which I’ll publish in full at my blog. It's read by a good many members of the Duke community as well as some journalists and authors.
I’ll also be in touch in a week or so with other concerns generated by your column.
Again, good wishes.
John in Carolina
[Off the record] I guess I'm curious as to what sort of response you were
seeking. I believe the coverage that we provide throughout the school
year will speak for itself and would caution against any reading of the column
that would suggest that we won't aggressively report on issues related to the case.
I hope you enjoy and are enlightened by it and imagine I'll be hearing
from you about it as we go along.
David Graham
Editor, The Chronicle
President, Duke Student Publishing Company
Thank you for your prompt but problematic response.
Why did you lead with "off the record?"
We never agreed your response would be "off the record."
If bloggers and journalists went along with university administrators, faculty and others who began their responses with "off the record," what would happen to informative reporting?
I hope Chronicle staffers don't let administrators, faculty and others begin their responses with "off the record" and then treat the responses as such.
I hope you agree I shouldn't, either.
Because this is our first exchange, I'll delay publishing your response until 2 PM tomorrow so as to allow time to hear anything you feel I've not taken into account that I ought to have.
John in Carolina
Graham is young, but not so young that as the editor-in-chief of a college newspaper he can’t be expected to know you don’t drop “off the record” before your answer and expect it to count for anything with reporters seeking information for their readers.
If that kind of “off the record” was allowed to count, journalists from the high school level on through the top ranks of the profession could regularly and easily be compromised with “information dumps.”
Yes, some of that goes on but people concerned with news reporting, be they advisors to high school newspapers or editors at major newspapers, fight it.
I was ready to see Graham’s “off the record” as what the Brits call a “one off.” I hoped he’d respond to my second email with something like: “Sorry. It was a busy day. Now on the record …..”
Graham’s initial “off the record” and his subsequent failure to respond are troubling.
I’m going to send Graham a link to this post. I hope he agrees that what I expected from him is no more than he expects from every Chronicle reporter and editor.
Heaven forbid that it’s not.
I'll invite Graham to respond and will publish his response in full.
I’ll keep you posted on what I hear back.