Friday, October 10, 2008

Farrakhan: When Obama speaks "the Messiah is absolutely speaking"

World Net Daily reports - - -

Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan, another powerful Chicago-based political figure associated with the Rev. Jeremiah Wright and other long-time associates of Democratic Party presidential candidate Barack Obama, is leaving no doubt about what he thinks of the leader in the campaign for the White House.

He says when Obama talks "the Messiah is absolutely speaking."

You can watch it for yourself on a newly posted YouTube video.

Addressing a large crowd behind a podium Feb. 24 with a Nation of Islam Saviour's Day 2008 sign, Farrakhan proclaims,

"You are the instruments that God is going to use to bring about universal change, and that is why Barack has captured the youth. And he has involved young people in a political process that they didn't care anything about. That's a sign. When the Messiah speaks, the youth will hear, and the Messiah is absolutely speaking."

Be sure to read the rest of the World Net Daily report here.


Anonymous said...

John -

Slightly off topic, but The Weekly Standard's The Blog points out an interesting contradiction between what St. Barack says in current statements about the "Reverend" Wright and what he said in his book, Dreams from My Father. The link is at:

The title to go to is:
Tape Discovered of Obama Listening to Rev. Wright Sermon

Jack in Silver Spring

Anonymous said...

John -

Another slightly off-topic comment. This time about St. Barack and Bill Ayers. It's from Dick Morris, and the link to it is:

Jack in Silver Spring