Thursday, September 13, 2007

NY Times' Betray Us Help

Here’s a news story from the NY Post that should help us all understand what the NY Times is really about:

The New York Times dramatically slashed its normal rates for a full-page advertisement for's ad questioning the integrity of Gen. David Petraeus, the commander of U.S. forces in Iraq.

Headlined "Cooking the Books for the White House," the ad which ran in Monday's Times says Petraeus is "a military man constantly at war with the facts" and concluded - even before he testified before Congress - that "General Petraeus is likely to become General Betray Us."

According to Abbe Serphos, director of public relations for the Times, "the open rate for an ad of that size and type is $181,692."

A spokesman for confirmed to The Post that the liberal activist group had paid only $65,000 for the ad - a reduction of more than $116,000 from the stated rate.

A Post reporter who called the Times advertising department yesterday without identifying himself was quoted a price of $167,000 for a full-page black-and-white ad on a Monday.

Serphos declined to confirm the price and refused to offer any inkling for why the paper would give such a discounted price.
Well, of course, the NYT would refuse to disclose the price it charged and why it give a discount. Those are Times’ business secrets.

The Times never discloses its business secrets; it only discloses U.S. security secrets.

The Post story concludes:
Citing the shared liberal bent of the group and the Times, one Republican aide on Capitol Hill speculated that it was the "family discount."

"I'm surprised they had to pay anything at all for the ad," the GOP staffer said. "They could have just asked the editorial page to run it and it wouldn't have cost them a cent."
It’s truly sad and dangerous for our country that so many liberals have fallen in with leftists who work activily against America by engaging in such actions as the Betray Us ad.

Senator John McCain, a Naval Academy graduate who later served as a pilot in Vietnam and endured five years of torture as a prisoner of the North Vietnamese, provides some perspective on the Betray Us ad:
"There is no greater slander to a soldier than an accusation of betrayal to his nation," said Sen. John McCain, a Vietnam War hero and Republican presidential contender in his own right. "I do not understand why those seeking to be commander-in-chief have yet to forcefully denounce, in their own words, this McCarthyite attack on our commander."
I’ll post again on the Betray Us ad.


Anonymous said...

I am shocked by the treason demonistrated in the ad, but not by the NYT printing and encouraging this stuff. I stopped buying the NYT a long time ago and encourage everyone to do the same.

Anonymous said...

Someday there will be a book about the rise and fall of the NYT. From the rise under A.H. Sulzberger:

"A man's judgement cannot be better than the information on which he has based it. Give him no news, or present him only with distorted and incomplete data, with ignorant, sloppy, or biased reporting, with propaganda and deliberate falsehoods, and you destroy his whole reasoning process and make him somewhat less than a man."

To the current unholy alliance with MoveOn,

Anonymous said...

Thomas Jefferson is cited as the polar star for Freedom of the Press, and it figures often in his early writings. Unfortunately for him, it was fated he become the President, which made him a stationary target and might have changed his perceptions. He is alleged to have written, I suspect somewhere in the 1803..1808 timeframe:

The man who never looks into a newspaper is better-informed than the man who reads them, inasmuch as he who knows nothing is nearer the truth than he whose mind is filled with falsehoods and errors

One cannot imagine Jefferson saying that prior to 1800.

-- No, not that Glenn

Anonymous said...

Giuliani demands MoveOn’s New York Times ad rate

Let the New York some Times match the price for Rudy;s anti MoveOn's add