Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Obama and his Fannie & Freddie cronies

A reader at Instapundit says:

I would put together a commercial that said…

James A. Johnson - former Fannie Mae CEO and Obama Advisor

Just cost you billions in taxes

Franklin Raines – former Fannie Mae CEO and Obama Advisor

Just cost you billions in taxes

Barack Obama – If we can’t afford his advisors, how can we afford him?
Great idea for an ad.

Could the McCain people work in a reference to convicted felon and Obama advisor Tony Rezko?

Has anyone calculated how much taxpayer money Rezko pocketed?

Maybe Team Obama could do the numbers so they could be sure they're Wright.

Oops! What was I thinking of?

"God damn America" and "KKK-America."

Yes, that's it!

That and Obama wants us to trust him because his judgment is so good.


Anonymous said...

Fox News' John Gibson just reported that St. Barack ranked second in the U.S. Senate for highest amount of political donations from Wall Street. If the McCain campaign doesn't use this info, they're missing a golden opportunity.
Tarheel Hawkeye