Friday, September 19, 2008

The Churchill Series – Sept. 19, 2008

(One of a series of weekday posts about the life of Winston S. Churchill.)

I’ll be brief today and simply try to put a few smiles in your weekend.

Many of you know of Churchill’s good friend F. E. Smith’s (later Lord Birkenhead) quip: “Winston is easily satisfied with the best.”

Churchill enjoyed the quip and often repeated it.

Here from page 79 of Dominique Enright’s The Wicked Wit of Winston Churchill (O’Mara Books Limited, 2001) are a few of Churchill's own quips echoing F. E. Smith’s assessment of him:

“I always manage somehow to adjust to any new level of luxury without whimper or complaint. It is one of my most winning traits.”

“I have in my life concentrated more on self-expression than on self-denial.”

His self-deprecating humor is one of his qualities that makes Churchill such a wonderful “companion” with whom to spend time.

I hope you have a book handy or search the Net to find something that will allow you to spend some time with Churchill this weekend.

I continue to think about those of you impacted by Ike. If you have suggestions for organizations to send various forms of help, please provide the addresses and I’ll post them.

