Thursday, July 17, 2008

In praise of JinC’s editors

On July 9 I posted Questioning a NY Times McCain story. It reported on a NYT story concerning the contents of a TV attack ad the Times said a McCain-leaning 527 was running against Sen. Obama.

Based on the Times’ description of the ad, I questioned whether the Times was accurately portraying the ad’s actual content. I regretted the Times hadn’t linked to the video or at least a print transcript.

Within minutes Zonga commented noting that I’d missed a link to the ad the Times had provided on the same web page as its story. Zonga also provided a link to the ad at YouTube.

Thank you, editor Zonga. And thanks to all of you who point out my errors so I can correct them.

In this case, within an hour I was able to add an "Update" to the post title and a Readers Alert and link to the ad at the head of the post.

Alert and informed editing makes that sort of thing possible. (BTW – The ad’s contents confirmed what I’d suggested about the Times’ spinning for Obama.)

Once more: to all of you who put forth the time and effort to help edit JinC, my sincere thanks for helping me correct errors and better serve JinC readers.

How can those MSMers keep telling readers and viewers bloggers don’t have editors?


Anonymous said...

They lie about everything else, why wouldn't they lie about their competition (bloggers).

zonga said...

In praise of John in Carolina.

We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.
- Winston Churchill