Saturday, July 14, 2007

INNOCENT: Disbarment Order – Short Form

"... these three individuals [David Evans, Collin Finnerty and Reade Seligmann,] are innocent of these charges."

North Carolina Attorney General Roy Cooper, Apr. 11, 2007

Most of you know the NC State Bar has just released its order disbarring former Durham DA Mike Nifong.

The order is well worth reading. It can be found here at Liestoppers.

But it’s 28 pages long. Many of you won’t have time to wade through it.

So ol' JinC has been looking for a short-form summary, preferably one of 10 words or less, that contains the essence of what the Bar’s order tells the public.

I just found it:

”You have been told some fantastic lies.”
Thank you, David Evans.


Anonymous said...


You nailed it !!!!


Anonymous said...


Great work JinC and David Evans