Sunday, March 12, 2006

Remember Dr. Joseph M. Newcomer? Dan Rather and CBS do

At Instapundit:

LA SHAWN BARBER says “I’m looking for quotes from 'ordinary people' using their blogs or other online resources to make a difference."
I’m sending Barber some of my favorite Dr. Newcomer quotes.

Joseph M. Newcomer, Ph. D. is an internationally recognized typography expert who, within a few days of CBS’s 60 Minutes use of the “Texas Air National Guard memos,” produced an independent, unpaid analysis of the memos.

Newcomer posted his analysis at his blog. I quote his conclusion:
This letter concentrates only on the raw technology of the fonts and printing. It does not address many of the issues others on the Internet have raised, such as the incorrect usage of military titles and abbreviations, incorrect formatting relative to prevailing 1972 military standards, etc. I am not qualified to comment on these.

All I can say is that the technology that produced this document was not possible in 1972 in the sort of equipment that would have been available outside publishing houses, and which required substantial training and expertise to use, and it replicates exactly the technologies of Microsoft Word and Microsoft TrueType Fonts.

It is therefore my expert opinion that these documents are modern forgeries.
Charles Johnson at Little Green Footballs picked up on Newcomer’s analysis and posted/linked.

Once that happened, all the blustering and dissembling by Rather, Mapes and many others who still spin news at CBS couldn't prevent the public from learning what they had done.

What a difference Newcomer, Johnson and other bloggers made by exposing CBS's dishonesty.