Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Duke Mom in Tight Race

Betsy Newmark is a Duke Mom twice over: her older daughter’s an alum now on the staff at The American Enterprise Institute; her younger daughter’s a Junior.

Betsy blogs at Betsy’s Page. Her blog's a finalist in the Weblog Award Best of the 501-1000 poll currently taking place and in which you're eligable to vote.

Betsy’s a smart, principled blogger. She spotted the Hoax early. She's been a strong voice for reason and justice.

Betsy was one of the first two bloggers with national reach (La Shawn Barber the other) to link to any of my early posts talking sense about what was then called “the Duke lacrosse rape scandal.”

Here’s one of her posts from June 15, 2006: More evidence of the District Attorney's prevarication in the Duke lacrosse case .

Now you’re saying, “John hopes we’ll vote for Betsy in the Weblog Award poll.”

Yes, if you take a look at her blog and feel you can, I hope you do.

Betsy’s Page has a link to “the voting booth.” Voting's a very easy process.

Many people pick up on the other Award categories (Best Liberal, Conservative, Military, Humor, etc, etc) and also vote in them.

Here’s Betsy’s latest update on the Award poll:

Thanks again for all who are supporting me. The lead has been see-sawing back and forth.

Remember that you can vote once every 24 hours. I was down by over 200 votes at this time yesterday and then you guys helped me pull into the lead and now I'm down again.

The voting stops at 5 pm EST on Thursday, so I need your votes for the next two days. Thanks so much for all your votes.
Please vote for Betsy’s Page. Thank you.


Anonymous said...


Thanks for posting this.

Betsy will get my vote today and tomorrow.

Duke '87