Monday, February 26, 2007

Poetic talent? Then you want Joan Foster

Some people, like Joan Foster, have talent. Then there’s JinC.

I worked from New Year’s Day until the eve of Valentine’s to got something just right to send to Duke University’s President, Richard H. Brodhead.

I wanted it to be real good, you know, because President Brodhead’s a genuine poet.

You and me, we just end our poems with something like:

And you disappointed me, you ass.
But President Brodhead, he can end his poems with:
And you disappointed me, alas.
Now, that’s better, isn’t it?

Don’t we wish we could do that?

Anyway, I worked seven weeks on my Velentine’s Day poem for President Brodhead and the best I could come up with was:
Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
Nifong let us down,
And so did you.
Now, let’s go to where the talent is: Joan Foster:
The crowd roared with the band!
And YOUR team took the field again
With Brodhead smiling in the stands.
They cheered, not JUST Lacrosse,
They cheered because they understood
What those "fantastic lies" have cost.
They cheered your team ... who stood with you,
Though hounded to the ground,
While Durham offered "cash rewards"
On...vigilante posters throughout town;
Who stood with you while the media
Had their love affair with Mike,
And potbangers demanded "Castrate Them,"
And Crystal worked the pole at night;
The rest is here.

Joan’s great. Don’t miss her.


Anonymous said...

Thanks John,

It's bad enough to lack talent, I also missed Joan's post entirely yesterday!

One of the many talents you do have is to point out the facts and events worthy of all our attention.

Thanks again!


Anonymous said...

I think I love Joan.

Oh, wait, I think I said that before. Well, hell, it's still true.