Saturday, November 12, 2005

The Churchill Series - Nov. 12, 2005

(One of a series of daily posts about Winston S. Churchill.)

Concerning the evening of May 10, 1940 historian Martin Gilbert has recorded:

That night the King wrote in his diary, "I asked Chamberlain his advice, & he told me Winston was the man to send for."

In the early evening of May 10, Churchill went to Buckingham Palace. "I suppose you don't know why I have sent for you?" the King asked with a smile.

"Sir, I simply can't imagine why," was Churchill's reply.

The King laughed, then said to Churchill, "I want to ask you to form a Government."
While Churchill was talking to the King, his son Randolph, in his Army camp, was given a message asking him to telephone Admiralty House. He was put through to one of his father's Private Secretaries, whose massage was brief, "only to say that your father has gone to the Palace and what he comes back he will be Prime Minister."
Martin Gilbert, Churchill: A Life. (p. 642-3)