Sunday, December 31, 2006

Talking with Regulars and Readers - 12-31-06

(Readers Note: This is an old type web logger post. John)


You remain, among other things, the best editors a blogger could have. A little while ago in "Singing Nifong Out," I referred to “Scotch ancestors.” One of you let me know it should have been “Scot ancestors.” Thanks, especially for "working" on New Year's Eve.

Other matters ---

Even if you believed it was going to happen to Nifong, did you believe it would happen so quickly and forcefully?

Every other DA in North Carolina is now telling him, in effect, "In the name of God, go!"

Even Duke's President, Richard H. Brodhead has jumped ship.

Sure, Nifong hasn't been disbarred yet, but do you doubt that will happen?

The "betting question" now is can Nifong avoid jail?

I don't know the answer to that question, but I'll say something else.

When the Feds come in, as I think they will, and start to unravel what I believe were multiple conspiracies that led, first to the framing of the three innocent young men, and second, to actions to cover up those conspiracies, what will Nifong have to "trade" in exchange for his cooperation?

I wanted to say more but I'm "out of time now."

I'll be back this evening with more Talking.

All the best to you.

You’re a very special group. I'll say more about that tonight.



Anonymous said...


From the beginning, I've had faith it would come out pretty much this way. After all we had truth on our side? This isn't to say I haven't had days that my faith was shaken and doubt crept in.

With committed people like yourself, KC, Mike McCusker, Jason Trumpbour and others too numerous to mention, I knew this was what HAD to happen.

Timetable? Actually, I was looking for it happen a little quicker than this. It has been surprising how long it took the larger North Carolina legal community to finally act.

But we're here, and there's much more to be done. Nifong needs to see the inside of a jail and Brodhead and Steele must go. These too, will happen. I have faith.

Poster "abb,"
FreeRepublic, TalkLeft, John In Carolina, Durham-in-Wonderland, Liestoppers, NandO blogs, et al.

Walter Abbott
Ruston, LA

Anonymous said...

Could be rewritten for Mike Nifong

Anonymous said...

'Scotch' or 'Scot'??

I don't know or care when it became mandatory to say 'Scot' rather than 'Scotch' but I would point out that David Hume, the historian/philosopher was Scotch/Scot and he used the expression 'Scotch' in his multivolume 'History of England.' Does it make any difference?

Anonymous said...

Don't forget Friends of Duke University. I do not like their position on brodhead but otherwise they do a good job.
