Thursday, September 14, 2006

Grin or groan

In the Business section of the Sept. 13 Durham Herald Sun we read:

Krispy Kreme Doughnuts Inc. will not file its fiscal report for the second quarter on time because it still must restate previous financial statements, the company said Tuesday in a regulatory filing.
And above that we read the headline, “Holes remain in fiscal reports”


Anonymous said...

I used to carry a box of Krispy Kreme Doughnuts when I walked to work. I would always walk past a park where the carriages were waiting to give people rides, and one of drivers had a gray horse who was just crazy over Krispy Kremes.

One day I noticed the the driver had a white horse, and he would not touch them. I asked the driver why, and he said, "That's a horse of a different cruller."

Timothy said...

We must save Krispy Kreme! All you skinny people go and buy some now! Buy many, and eat, eat till you heart is content... and tell us fat dieting people how good they are...

But we must save KK until the day when we lose enough weight to eat them again...

Anonymous said...

speaking of headlines, here's one from the N&O 9/14/06:

"Sarge's wife using head to pay for homecoming"