Monday, September 11, 2006

9/11 Remembrance and Resolve

Indelible events. Pearl Harbor. President Kennedy’s assassination. 9/11.

We remember exactly where we were when we “heard.”

Michelle Malkin posts with some of her 9/11 recollections and strong words of resolve we should all embrace. She links to many bloggers’ 9/11 anniversary posts.

La Shawn Barber reminds us we are in “A Religious and Unconventional War.” Her post includes a powerful affirmation of America and some direct words for Muslims who want to make fundamental changes in America to suit what they say is their right to religious freedom. Here’s part of La Shawn’s response to that :

As flawed as America may be, it is unique among the ordinary. “Freedom” is not just a word or an idea; this country, above all others, every last one, has been able to put the word into action as the world has never seen.

In this country, you can be a Muslim without fear of persecution. The problems begin when you, as a Muslim, demand that our banking system, our legal system, our whole way of life, change to accommodate you. I’m convinced that changing this country to accommodate Islam is the goal of even moderate Muslims.
There are some stirring pictures accompanying La Shawn’s post, including the one of the three firemen raising Old Glory.

Betsy Newmark shares her recollections of the day. She concludes:
Let us pause to remember the grief and the anger. Let us never forget.