At the BlogProf this morning - - -
BUSTED!: "Obama As Hitler" Poster Was A Democrat/Union Plant At John Dingell Townhall! UPDATED with video interview!
***scroll to bottom for an important update (after reading the post of course!)***Watering the plants, as Glenn Reynolds would say. Nancy Pelosi, the dimmest bulb in the U.S. House, got things started with this absurd assertion last week:

Last Friday, Frank Beckmann on his show broadcast on WJR 760 AM interviewed an eyewitness that said not only were union thugs let in through a side door before anyone else was let into the venue, but that he clearly saw from his vantage point that very Obama as Hitler poster in that back hallway after the union thugs took their seats.
The interview was around 11:00am, but WJR chose not to post that audio (they only tend to select one or two clips a day to post). I thought it would have been bigger news, and needed more than just that to write a post, albeit an audio clip would have partially sufficed.
In any case, I've been scouring YouTube and the web for more info, and have finally found some. Here is one account that was posted Monday over at FreeRepublic:
A couple that were at Dingals TH meeting said there was a black man outside with a sign comparing Obama the Adolf Hitler. After the meeting ended and when everyone was leaving this same man was handing out Dingal campaign flyers. ...
The rest of the post's here.
Hat tip:
I hope everyone took note of the remarkably well-behaved captive audience at BHO's New Hampshire Town Hall meeting. I was especially enthralled by the young sweet girl who wondered why all those mean people were trying to stop her Dear Leader from providing free medical care to our nation. And how about the one who swooned and said "He winked at me!" Gee, you don't suppose it was staged and scripted?? No, BHO would never do that....
Tarheel Hawkeye
That young sweet girl who asked the heartrending question of our Glorious Leader wasn't just anybody. Oh no. Eleven-year-old Julia Hall is the daughter of Kathleen Manning Hall, a coordinator for Massachusetts Women For Obama and a big contributor to the Obama coffers. The law firm that employs Hall is also an Obama contributor.
Now is it probable that this whole episode just "happened?" Or was it part of a staged and scripted pep rally organized by the Obama administration?
And Pelosi's worried about the "astroturf."
Tarheel Hawkeye
totally disagree with you guys.
"totally disagree with you guys."
Anything in particular?
Any specific points that Betty wants to make? Or is it simply she's right and we're wrong?
Tarheel Hawkeye
The Obama forces are intent upon making any who question at all enemies of the state. The fact that government monies are being spenton public relations to push the Obama agenda is troubling.
The fact is that health care is at present DOA as the Democrats, who have the super maority necessary to ram any legislation through that they desire cannot come up with something that the average American can even begin to understand. Whatever health care poicy that goes into effectm it must be understandable, it must be seen as reliable, and it must be well capitalized - but not at the expsense of bankrupting wither the private citizen or industry,
I find it more than interesting that The One blames the GOP for the opposition to the so-called "improvement" to healthcare. He told us the Republicans plan to defeat his health proposals and thus cause the Democrats to lose their majority. As I see it, this is a tacit admission that the American people want nothing to do with his plan. Logically, if the public was clamoring for his ideas, and the GOP undermined his plans as he theorizes, wouldn't the public be angry with the Republicans?? If the American people are successful in stifling the outrageous bills in both House and Senate, I believe there will be a resurgence in anti-Democrat votes and it will be because we're fed up with their hypocrisy.
I suppose because he successfully hoodwinked 53% of Americans in 2008, he thinks we're all idiots. The townhalls show how far off his premise is.
Tarheel Hawkeye
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