Monday, March 26, 2007

The Churchill Series - Mar. 26, 2007

(One of a series of weekday posts on the life of Winston S. Churchill.)

From Beside the Bulldog, Scotland Yard Detective Inspector Walter Thompson's recollections of his years serving as Churchill's principal bodyguard:

In Egypt in 1921 Winston decided that he would like to paint a picture of the Pyramids.

He and I set off together and soon he was settled happily at this task. A small group of British tommies gathered at his back and watched him at work. Even though they were somewhat free with their remarks, I saw no reason to move them on, particularly as Winston seemed to be enjoying their conversation

Suddenly a young Cockney called out, "You don't half use some paint. Lucky for you, you ain't an 'ouse painter with me old boss. You'd soon get the sack."

Winston chuckled and looked around. The lad got the shock of his life. "Gawd! It's Churchill," he burst out.

This was followed by an embarrassed silence. Winston finished what he was doing, and then got off his stool and talked to the boys about their homes and their families for some considerable time.

He gained their confidence and, before he returned to his easel, everyone had a memorable experience to write home about. (pg. 52)
BTW - Thank you to Corwin for confirming Churchill took his beloved nurse, Mrs. Everest, to Harrow. More about that in a week or two when I'm home and can do some research.


TierFlyer said...

Reminds me of my old clothes salesman - got introduced to the Queen whilst he was serving with a British Tank Unit.


Greg Toombs said...

Churchill would never qualify as a modern day Democrat.

He wasn't enough of a snob.

(John - love the Churchill posts. I hope we never forget him.)