Monday, November 06, 2006

Chronicle columnist nails it

Excerpts from Duke senior Steve Miller’s column in today’s Chronicle:

Our fellow students are not on trial because of evidence, but in spite of it.

This is a moral, social and legal outrage. It is an assault on our peers, our community and the core values of our nation.

To successfully unleash this depraved injustice, it seems our DA has managed to go against criminal procedure, legal precedent, constitutional protections, hundreds of years of common law and thousands of years of ethics tracing back to the Old Testament.

Nifong must have confused America with a police state.
Miller’s got it.

I’d only add that Nifong’s been helped along by many enablers at Duke, in media and in organizations that claim to be about people’s rights but act more like special interest groups.

Miller's column is here.


Anonymous said...

Wow, what a powerful piece by Miller. Yet another hero to add to my list.

Anonymous said...

No, Miller doesn't have it. Surely the Durham community will be at fault if they reelect this Vichy.

But also culpable, but not equally, are the students and alums at Duke who pay tuition to go their and who make contributions. They sat by in silence and condoned, some even cheered, the multicultural diversity drivel that they fertilized the soil that this bitter fruit grows in. They should have pushed back on affirmative action. They should have revolted against the black studies dept, womens studies dept and every other 1/2 baked psedo-intellectual discipline that has cropped up over the past 30 years or so.

Never has a truer comment been said than, to paraphrase, "it only takes good people being silent for evil to be done." well, here it is. The left wing/diversity propaganda, which ultimately teaches that whites (and usually white males) are responsible for all of the oppression in the world has been allowed to spread like kudzu around Duke, nourished by the tuition that Miller pays and any contributions that his family and friends make.

I hold them culpable too. I would compare them to the ordinary citizens who watched Hitler rise to power and refused to say anything. They aren't guilty to the same degree that Nifong, Broadhead and the gaggle of 88 are, but their hands are not clean.

Anonymous said...

To 7:05 PM

What have YOU done to defeat Nifong? Have you contributed to Recall Nifong - Vote Cheek? Have you contributed to DSED? How many Innocent! wristbands have you purchased?

And shame on you for sniping at good people like Steve Miller who are exposing this malicious prosecution.

Anonymous said...

To 11:30.

Its not what I have done to defeat Nifong, its what I haven't done to cultivate the power of the left.

I don't practice affirmative action. I didn't go to Duke and wouldn't given that the faculty has an agenda. And its an agenda that is at work here.

Kudos to Miller and everyone else who has finally seen the light about Nifong. I wonder if they will see how the diversity propaganda has made much of this possible. My firmly held belief is that if this case were black on black or white on white or white accuser and black suspect, this case wouldn't have gotton this far.
There is no evidence other than the "general truth" that all diversity pimps and divas know, and that is that white men oppress everyone. Thus, they need to be punished.

the one thing I can agree with the left about is that this case is about more than the facts. This case is a symbol of the dishonesty of the diversity propaganda and that whites are actually victims of false accusations, not to mention affirmative action and preferences.

like I said, they aren't any where near as guilty as Nifong, but there is culpability there. all i'm asking is that they close their pocketbooks. No more money for the ideology that made this possible.