Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Talking with JinC Regulars & Reader/Commenters

(Readers’ note: This post is in the old “web log” form in which individuals would share their notes, ideas, etc on the web somewhat the way a ship’s captain kept a log. - John)

I start to read every comment JinC receives and I finish reading almost all.

But I stop reading when the first few words tell me the comments' spam or troll nonsense, some of it subtle, some of it ugly, and all of it deserving no place at JinC.

Now what about critics like the two Anons who pointed out I was wrong when I included in a post a statement by another blogger that Brodhead had expelled lacrosse players when he hadn’t?”

Folks, those commenters are among my favorite commenters. I like people who come to this blog and politely note factual errors, especially mine.

Such commenters make this blog better. They make me a better blogger. I thank them. We should all thank them. (BTW – The other blogger, Tom Bevan, corrected and posted on his error within an hour of my calling it to his attention.)

Now some people who hate “delete” buttons will say, “But I should be able to say anything I want.”

Sure, and there are millions of blogs where you can do that.

Happy trails to you.

For the rest of us, we can look at the comment threads and see where we’ve had a number of civil discussions even as we’ve disagreed.

If someone is new here and wants to know how to confront another person they’re sure has committed an error, take a look at what Brian Johnston does in this post.

A young member of Parliament is reported to have asked Disraeli what was the best way to influence the House of Commons.

”Try facts, my boy, facts.”
And as at the Commons, so at JinC, a common blog.

A special thanks to those of you who point out tech difficulties.

Many thanks to those of you who take JinC posts and link them at places like Free Republic, Talk Left, etc.

You extend the “reach’ of this blog.

But you’re also doing something much more important: you’re doing what editors do.

Editors select from what they read those articles they think should be distributed to a wider public.

We talk about the “citizen journalists” who at MSM blogs such as the N&O’s Editors’ Blog, have “joined the conversation.” night.

But what about “citizen editors?”

They select, edit, summarize or reject posts. They decide where to “put the copy” they want the public to read.

I thank all the “citizen editors” who select and help publish JinC posts.

Folks, this is getting too long and I want to do something on Steve Baldwin’s Chron. Op-ed before I go to bed. Or maybe that will have to wait for first thing in the morning.

I’ll be back tomorrow with another Talking post.



Anonymous said...


Would you please explain what you mean by spam or troll nonsense. Does that basically mean any strong criticism of the LAX players that you do not want your readers to hear?