Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Great news! Carolina FreedomNet 2006

Saturday, October 7, should be a great day for North Carolina bloggers.

It should also be a great day for bloggers from other parts of the country who happen to be in Greensboro, NC on October 7.

And it should be a great day for citizens tired of what MSM passes off as "news."


Because on Oct. 7, The John Locke Foundation is sponsoring Carolina FreedomNet 2006, a blog conference whose keynote speaker is Powerline's Scott Johnson.

Powerline? Isn't that one of the blogs that took the lead in exposing Dan Rather and 60 Minutes TANG story based on forged documents? Right.

Scott Johnson? Isn't he the blogger who asked that question at Sen. Durbin's news conference and Durbin didn't know how to answer it so he ended the news conference? Right again.

But wait, there’ll be a lot more at Carolina FreedomNet 2006, including a number of bloggers who call North Carolina home.

You can find out who they are and read more about the conference here.

I'll continue to post on it in the coming weeks.

I think it'll be a great event for all of us who keep saying:” We can do better than the Raleigh N&O, NPR, and Maureen Dowd."

And I think it'll be a great event for any citizen disgusted with the sort of "news" we get from people like Dan Rather and NYT exec editor Bill Keller.

On Saturday, Oct. 7, in Greenboro you'll meet and learn more about "those bloggers" who are upsetting so many in the MSM."