Thursday, August 17, 2006

Ruth Sheehan helped me learn today

A friend sent the following one-word comment on Raleigh News & Observer news columnist Ruth Sheehan's latest:

Dreck? I knew it couldn't be good, but just what did it mean?

Well, off to the dictionary to learn.


n : merchandise that is shoddy or inferior [syn: schlock, shlock]

Source: WordNet ® 2.0, © 2003 Princeton University

I'll bet there are already speech therapists out there thinking to use the following exercise with patients working on the sibilant s sound.

On Southport's sandy, sunny, sloping shores, she saw Sheehan's schlock in the Raleigh N&O.

So it's possible some good can come from a Ruth Sheehan column, but we have to work pretty hard to make it happen, don't we?


August West said...

My take was different. In this instance, I hope that my take is the proper one.

You can just be soooo mean, ya big meanie!

::..insert winking smiley here..::


August West said...

I think she's just being her oh, so wry, self, waving the white flag and admitting, albeit in a double-secret ironic way that the blog entries she published are absolutely RIGHT.

We know she knows.

Anonymous said...

rivlax -

It was only "fair use" if her next column descibes how the N&O got raked by bloggers.

Otherwise it's a hit piece.