Sunday, June 25, 2006

Duke lacrosse: Can you believe The Editor’s Blog?

The McClatchy news organization sponsors The Editor’s Blog, where Raleigh News & Observer exec editor for news Melanie Sill is supposed to interact with readers.

But not much of that happens there. It’s not unusual for Sill to get just one or two reader comments a week. There have even been weeks when there weren't any comments.

But lately?


Whenever Sill allows readers to comment on the N&O’s Duke lacrosse coverage, which a journalist friend says “has violated every bedrock principle of ethical journalism,” the Editor’s Blog lights up.

Readers immediately demand to know why the N&O told them the accuser was “the victim,” granted the accuser a “free shot” anonymous interview, published the infamous “vigilante poster,” and the like.

Readers are angry because N&O “reporting” that my friend said “violated every bedrock principle of ethical journalism” went on for months; and is only now beginning to mute, long after sensible people realized the case the N&O and Nifong have pursued is a monumental injustice, which may include criminal acts.

Given all of that, how has Sill responded to readers?

She’s responded in various ways. A reader making a comment or asking a question that contains a factual error or evidences a misunderstanding gets a quick, corrective response. Readers asking fact-based, on point questions are often ignored.

Sill frequently responds with misleading and incomplete answers. For example, to readers who’ve complained about the N&O’s publication of the “vigilante poster” photo, she said it was only a “small” one on an inside page.

In fact the photo, which ran on Apr. 2 on pg. 20A, is two columns wide on a six column page. The pixilated portion of the photo is 6.25 inches long; adding caption and border space brings the length to 7.25 inches.(Unfortunately you can't access photos in the N&O's archives, which BTW require subscription. Hard copies can be purchased from the N&O.)

The N&O placed the “small” photo where it would get maximum reader attention: At the top of the page and in the 4th and 5th columns of a six column page.

So a two column wide, 7.25 inches long photo at the top center-right of the page is a "small" photo.

Do you see what I mean about misleading and incomplete answers?

I plan a detailed post on other aspects of the N&O’s “vigilante poster” photo publication, including providing readers important information the N&O failed to give them.

I also plan to ask why the N&O published the “vigilante poster” photo after warnings that doing do would only make it more likely the players would be targeted by unstable individuals and hate groups, something that’s unfortunately come to pass.

But for now, back to Sill and The Editor’s Blog.

I hope you visit there and read what Melanie Sill tells people. You’ll see a few readers accept what she says and seem satisfied. But others don’t and aren’t.

It’s those others who won’t be fobbed off who are now making The Editor’s Blog such an interesting place. (Full disclosure: Following repeated threats by Melanie over many months to ban me from The Editor’s Blog, I stopped commenting there.)

But if I were commenting now, I’d ask questions and say things like the following:

Melanie, when did the N&O first learn the Duke lacrosse players who lived at the house had cooperated with police; and that they’d voluntarily given statements, gone to Duke Hospital and submitted to “rape kit” testing, and offered to take lie detector tests?

And when did the N&O first report about that to readers?

Please don’t respond with “sometime early in the case” and “just as soon thereafter as possible.”

Intelligent readers want dates.

Moving along.

In the Mar. 24 report in which you broke the Duke lacrosse story, the N&O seven times said the accuser was “the victim” or referred to her with the possessive “victim’s”, not once preceding them with either “alleged” or “reported.” You very recently told readers the N&O regularly refers to an accuser as “the victim.”

Why? What makes an accuser a victim?

And, Melanie, you don’t regularly call an accuser in a rape case the victim, do you?

I checked your archives, searching all of this past January using the input word “rape.”

The N&O didn’t once call the accuser “the victim.” In most cases you called the accuser “the woman;” in a few cases “the accuser.”

You were making an exception in the Duke lacrosse case, weren't you?

The N&O doesn’t normally call the accuser in rape cases the victim any more than other American newspapers do because journalists know it isn’t fair to the accused.

So why, in the very first story the public would read about the Duke lacrosse case, did the N&O decide to cast the accuser as “the victim” and frame the Duke lacrosse players as her victimizers?

There’s a lot of speculation in the community about the answer to that question. What’s your answer?

Last question for now, Melanie: On your Duke lacrosse comments post thread on 6/14/06 at 9:52 you commented in part:

...we are sticking to N&O standards of verification and sourcing.
The N&O has standards of verification and sourcing?

Well, in that case tell us who the person(s) or group(s) are who were the source(s) of the infamous “vigilante poster” you published on Apr. 2? Your story doesn’t say.

Readers’ note: I don’t hold copyrights to the questions above. Anyone can ask them of Sill and others at the N&O. I hope many do.

If you get a response, I’ll appreciate your sharing it here on this post’s comment thread, even if you think the response is just baloney.

Thank you.



Anonymous said...


Thank you for your coverage of the Duke LAX case. Lately, however, you appear to be obsessed with the News & Observer rather than D.A. Mike Nifong. We all know the N&O missed the story in the beginning. They jumped to conclusions and made several regrettable decisions. That being said, I think we all need to recognize that their has been a marked change in the tone and content of their coverage. For example, they reported the Linwood Wilson-Joe Cheshire exchange completely and accurately. The New York Times completely botched it. Your criticisms of the N&O have real substance. However, many of us following this case would appreciate it if you would direct more of your acerbic wit towards Mr. Nifong and less towards Melanie Sill and the N&O. For example, there was a very good blog post referenced on the N&O editor's blog. It is called "Hauntings" by La Shawn Barber. She links to many incredible quotations from Mr. Nifong that I found unbelievable.

Anonymous said...

I like the comment where MS or one of her talking sock puppets claims to be "proud" of their coverage.



Anonymous said...

Personally I think there is enough
material from both the N&O and Nifong to keep you busy. Thanks for the great effort!

I find it remarkable that no one has brought up the relationship between NCC and Governor and Mrs. Easely and that the Governor and Niforg were both political science majors at UNC and graduated within a year of each other. Have they known each other that long?

Anonymous said...

Yes. Thank you for keeping this story alive.

There is a big problem with media-hungry prosecutors with hidden agendas.

There is also the problem of people to easily accepting a woman's word of rape in a culture where false claims of rape are ignored.

As this false claim is exposed we need to maintain coverage to try and help these innocent boys rebuild the lives that were taken away and destroyed.

We have to expose the reality that false claims of rape happen more freuently that feminist and women's group want to admit.

We need to expose irresponsible DAs who criminally attack innocent members of society for personal gain.

Anonymous said...

Anon #1. I think it wholly appropriate for John to keep up the attack on the N&O. Had they reported fairly and honsestly, which they did not, for example, withholding contradictory statements of the alleged victim when they didn't mirror the police statement, etc. provided encouragement for the morally bankrupt Nifong to proceed with his fraud upon the court and the public.

If the N&O had reported with journalistic integrity, even the evil sonofabitch, Nifong, would have realized that dog won't hunt and the truth could have come out with far less damage to innocent accused, and the public and community. Sill and her ilk accomodated Nifong and made everything lie and fraud and dishonest trick he pulled possible. Without their help, he could not have done what he did.

They were Nifong's Josef Goebbels, pure and simple. John should take it as a personal affront. They are an affront to every decent person. Obsession in the pursuit of truth and integrity is no vice. Every decent citizen that cares about their world should do all they can to end the careers of the N&O and its editors. Advertisers should be made aware of their exposure to the disinterest in the product or service they offer if they continue to use the N&O as their advertising outlet.

Moderation in truth and principle is no virtue. Be thankful for people like John who obsess over the intentionally evil.

Anonymous said...

Straight Arrow,

You make some compelling points, particularly the charge that the N&O has been "withholding contradictory statements of the alleged victim when they didn't mirror the police statement."

That is an infinitely more persuasive indictment than omitting "alleged" in front of "victim." At this point, it's Nifong who's furious with the media coverage. Let's keep the N&O on our side with critiques of their current coverage and suggestions for new stories. The rest of the original accuser interview sounds like a good place to start. As for the old stories, I just don't see the point in devoting time and space to those issues while Nifong is still making his case.

JWM said...

To Anonymous responding to Straightarrow,

You say: "Let's keep the N&O on our side with critiques of their current coverage and suggestions for new stories."

You don't keep the N&O on your side. It follows its own agenda.

And what do you mean by "our side?"

Are people who think its very important to hold the N&O to account for throwing overboard even a pretense of fairness and framing the players in the publics mind as guilty on what you call "our side?

How about people who think its very important that the public learn just what the N&O did so they can call it to account and recognize more easily the next time when the N&O is stirring up public opinion against someone or some group? Are they on "our side?"

Anon., You go on to say: "The rest of the original accuser interview sounds like a good place to start."

Then you say: "As for the old stories, I just don't see the point in devoting time and space to those issues while Nifong is still making his case."

The N&O accuser interview story ran on Mar. 25. It was its second Duke lacrosse story.

So why is looking at it OK while you "don't see the point in devoting etc. ...?"

One thing I hope we can agree on. The folks at the N&O love people who say the kinds of things you say.

They use your remarks to say things like "We get it from all sides but we just do our jobs."

Write N&O public editor Ted Vaden what you've said here. I wouldn't be surprised if he used it to "help us all move on which from where I sit as public editor is what most N&O readers want."

And then the N&O moves on.

BTW - Do you know when the N&O first learned of the cooperation porvided by the 3 lacrosse captains? And do you know when the N&O first told its readers about that cooperation?

Have you ever had your picture in the paper as part of a "vigilante poster" photo?

I assure you of one thing: The N&O is on your side. It loves people like you.

I'm in haste so this is unproofed. I'm sorry for any errors.

You made your points civilly. I commend you for that.



Anonymous said...


I'll drop this after this post. All of your points about the N&O's coverage are valid. By "our side," I simply meant "against Nifong" and in favor of rectifying the damage done to the falsely accused players. I understand you view the N&O as a participant in that damage. I am still hopeful that they will pursue the real story and help the defense bring Nifong and his co-conspirators down. Maybe that is naive.

I have to admit you make a compelling case for the N&O's role in this travesty. I just hope you continue to pound on Nifong and don't get distracted by trying to settle what appears to be a pre-existing dispute with the N&O.

JWM said...

To Anon. responding beginnig: "I'll drop this after this post."

Thank you for a civil and on point reponse.

I can't give your comment the attention I'd like to because a lot is happening with regard to DL matters I'm involved in and because, however much you may see what I do at JinC as a manifestation of obsession, I have a nice and diverse life.

You speak as if you know a great deal about my character and psyche. Perhaps you do and I'm fooling myself.

But right now I continue to believe the things I said about DL in my very first posts in late March and early April: presumption of innocence, right to counsel, and it 's for the accuser to prove the charge, not for the accused to prove innocence.

In late March and early April and ever since, the players rights were trampled on by Nifong, the N&O and many others. It was that trampling that was a principal reason I got active.

While I've frequently criticised actions by Nifong, I've devoted more attention to the N&O's abuse of the players rights (and really its abuse of its readers trust.

I hope that isn't because of some animus I bear the N&O.

I hope its at least in part because , while I'm not an attorney and much goes on in investigations that I don't know or understand at the time, I can open a newspaper and count the number of times I was told about the accuser. I even give myself credit for noticing that in the story accompanying the "vigilante poster" the N&O did identify a source. Do you know who the source is?

And I can also ask why the N&O didn't point out in its "vigialnte poster" that while there was 46 white lacrosse players who submitted to DNA testing, only 43 were pictured on the poster. Do you know why that was.

I hope you keep visiting here. I'll be saying more very soon about some new matters although I plan to keep returning to the N&O's coverage.

Don't take offense if you comment again and I don't respond.

There's a lot going on.

Again, thank you for a civil and on point comment.

Also this again unproofed. Sorry.

