Friday, May 19, 2006

Top notch Duke lacrosse blogger returns

Chris Lawrence at Signifying Nothing is back from vacation and posting again on the Duke lacrosse case.

Pre-vacation, Chris’ DLC posts linked to the latest news and contained sharp, concise commentary of the kind that scares MSM types who think it’s their jobs to “explain things” to the public by summarizing press statements they pick up at news conferences.

Now tanned, rested and ready to go, Chris just posted here. Be sure to read the comment thread.

I hope you bookmark Chris.

And don’t forget to follow the story each day in The Raleigh News & Observer and The Durham Herald Sun.

If you haven’t been reading both papers, it’s worth it just to see how differently their reporting the story.

And I’ll bet after 3 or 4 days you won’t have any trouble deciding which paper deserves to be called “the prosecutors friend.”