Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Bloggers continue to expose NY Times' agenda journalism

Bloggers continue to catch the New York Times practicing agenda journalism.

This morning Bob Owens at Confederate Yankee posted the latest catch:

For those of you who have read this New York Times article about captured Iraqi war documents being placed on the web, you'll note that the Times did not deem to give Ray Robinson, the blogger interviewed in the article, a link to his blog, nor did they bother to give you his entire background.

Ray Robinson worked for the Defense Intelligence Agency as a member of the Iraq Survey Group that collected and in-processed this documentation when it was captured. He isn't just a blogger, but a person with some hands-on expertise.

Too bad that the Times couldn't be bothered to provide a link or give his bona fides.
Of course the Times wouldn’t provide a link or background for Robinson.

If the Times did those things, it would be easier for people to learn the contents of the documents. And that would just get in the way of the Times' agenda which is to convince people: “Nothing to see in these documents, folks. You can all go home now.”

Good catch, Bob.


Anonymous said...

You're assuming that they even knew he was an expert....

Anonymous said...

You're assuming that they even knew he was an expert....

And that they knew the reporter lifted the information....


Anonymous said...

"You're assuming that they even knew he was an expert.... "

I talked to Scott Shane for an hour and I told him about my extensive background in military operation including the Gulw War and Kosovo and detailed my work with ISG. He mentioned I was an army officer and worked with ISG, but that was the only detail he gave out of tons of background, like that I was the day shift supervisor for the audio, video section. That would have made it look to much like I knwo what I am doing and he couldn't have "kooked" me then.- Ray Robison