Tuesday, February 21, 2006

No real news here

Robert Draper's GQ article about Senator Joe Biden is titled:

But you knew that, didn't you?

The Palestinians just elected the terrorist Hamas to head their government.

Hamas wants Israel to hand over money Israel collected as part of the Oslo Accords and agreed to give to the Palestinians in exchange for their agreeing to peace with Israel.

But since Hamas doesn't recognize the Oslo Accords and vows continued terrorism against Israel, the Israelis won't hand over the money. Palestinians call this "punishment."

What would former President Jimmy Carter say? His Washington Post op-ed is titled, Don't Punish the Palestinians.

Who's surprised?

Now this title would be news: "Carter finally agrees to make public records of Arab funding of his library."

But it wouldn't be true. Carter refuses to release those records.

They must be awfully interesting.