Thursday, January 26, 2006

O dear, look what Republicans are doing now

An Associated Press story carries this headline:

Senate GOP Seeks to Force Vote on Alito
The AP’s story makes clear the headline isn’t just another of those “tabloid grabs” most MSM newspapers are using as part of their campaigns to win back former readers who’ve moved on to other news sources.

The AP provides plenty of information to help us realize Senate Republicans are driving to "force (a) vote" on Judge Samuel Alito’s nomination despite the opposition of many Senate Democrats to such a vote.

The AP tells us, for example, of Sen. Ted Kennedy’s efforts to convince his Democratic colleagues to support a filibuster. We're told Senators such as Durbin and Sarbanes support a filibuster. And there's more.

But for all of that, The AP never tells us why Republicans want to, as The AP puts it, "Force (a) Vote on Alito."

Without information from The AP, I'm left to rely on my own news sources. They claim Republicans are basing their drive for a vote on portions of a document called The Constitution.

There's no word yet on whether or not Sen. Kennedy would drop his plans for a filabuster in exchange for the Bush administration agreeing to make public a copy of The Constitution.

Kennedy is said to be considering the matter "while relaxing with friends at the Cape."


Anonymous said...

Presumably without a windmill obscuring his view.