Tuesday, January 10, 2006

An email to The N&O public editor

Many of you know that since Jan. 4 The N&O has claimed it told readers the Sago mine owners had not confirmed the men were found alive.

My copy of The N&O did not report that. I've had numerous contacts with The N&O trying to find out what's what.

Today I received from public editor Ted Vaden an email that's at the head of the email I just sent him by way of reply. You can read my most recent email below.

I'll post further on this matter tonight. Time is short now.

Dear Ted:

Re your email: John. Where do you live? It may be that you got an edition that didn't have that information. Our copy desk updated the story at least once, maybe twice as more info came in. Ted V.

My copy of the Jan. 4 N&O says West Edition.

Although neither you nor Melanie have mentioned it, The N&O's Jan. 4 West edition contained two mine stories.

One, of course, was your front page one reporting the men were alive.

The second also reported the men were alive. It's on page 10A and begins: "Even as 12 of 13 trapped miners were found alive, attention turned to the Sago Mine's history of safety violations - and questions about the White House's commitment to mining safety.


Did your pg. 10A Bush-blamer mine story run in all editions?

If not, please tell me in which ones it ran?

The Boston Globe is cited at the bottom of the story. Is that entire story a Globe story? Or is part of it N&O?

I look forward to hearing from you.

