Thursday, December 15, 2005

Anti-Semite Conflicts and Agreements

David Boyd links to a Jay Nordlinger NRO article that contains this:

One thing that always amazed me is that many Middle Eastern elites couldn't decide whether to deny the Holocaust, celebrate it, or lament that it didn't go far enough.
I don’t doubt that Anti-Semites everywhere suffer from deny or celebrate conflict syndrome. Certainly, all the ones I've known have had the syndrome to a greater or lesser degree.

On the other hand, there are many things that don't cause anti-Semites conflict. They find it easy to hate the United States, for instance. And while they speak of the "pain" they feel for "the suffering Palestinian people,” they become delirious when a Palestinian kid kills Jewish kids by blowing himself up.

One other thing about anti-Semites: Have you noticed they don't get very upset if you kill other people so long as your long-term goal is too kill Jews. So for instance, al-Qaeda can kill Hindus and Christians in Bali and Muslims across the Middle East, and that's all OK with anti-Semites because they know al-Qaeda really wants to destroy Jews.

With anti-Semites for friends, it’s no wonder the Palestinian people are suffering. Think what our lives would be like if we had anti-Semites for friends.