Monday, November 14, 2005

The Churchill Series - Nov. 14, 2005

(One of a series of daily posts about Winston S. Churchill.)

Lord Moran, Churchill personal physician, recorded in his diary many amusing incidents involving Churchill and his valet, Sawyers.

Here from Moran's entry of Feb. 3, 1945:

All morning the P.M. has been losing things.

"Sawyers, Sawyers, where are my glasses?"

"There, sir," said Sawyers, leaning over his shoulder as he sat, and tapping the P. M.'s pocket.

At last, when the P. M. was getting ready for his afternoon sleep, he cried out irritably:

Sawyers, where is my hot-water bottle?"

"You are sitting on it, sir," replied the faithful Sawyers. "Not a very good idea," he added.

"It's not an idea, it's a coincidence," said the P. M., enjoying his own choice of words, and without a trace of resentment.

Lord Moran: Winston Churchill: The Struggle for Survival, 1940-1965. (p. 240)