Monday, October 24, 2005

Dem mixes religion, money and his election

(Welcome visitors from Michelle Malkin and Mudville Gazette open post)

Democrats and their MSM pals are always complaining about people who mixing religion and politics, right? And they're always complaining about rich people tossing money around to influence elections, right?

Well, not when it's one of their own doing the mixing and tossing.

Michelle Malkin links to an Associated Press story that begins:

New Jersey Sen. Jon Corzine, a former Wall Street executive with a portfolio worth $261 million, has been giving some of his money to black churches, raising questions about whether it's generosity or politics.

The Democrat, who is in a tight race for governor, donated or loaned more than $2.5 million last year to black churches. He has received the endorsement of more than two dozen black ministers.

According to one of the recipients of Corzine's largess, the money has not influenced him or his church's endorsement.
The Rev. Reginald T. Jackson, executive director of the Black Ministers Council and pastor of St. Matthew's AME Church in Orange, N.J., said black ministers have been making personal endorsements of candidates since 1981. The council does not make endorsements.

Jackson's church has received thousands of dollars from Corzine over several years, including a $50,000 loan last year.

In their endorsement of Corzine last month, Jackson said the black ministers chose the Democrat because he "will be a leader of a state at two extremes — at one end the wealthiest state in the nation and at the other end one of the poorest states in the nation."

Where are all the liberals in and out of the media? Don't they have any concern about religion, money and politics being so tightly mixed? Shouldn't they be especially concerned about the mix when it's happening right in their own political house, so to speak?

Where are Sen. Chuck Schumer and Rep. Nancy Pelosi? They should speak out and condemn what Corzine and the ministers are doing even if doing so upsets the Revs. Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton.


Anonymous said...

At least Corzine is giving his OWN money, unlike the government funded handouts given by the Bush administration to both black and white churches in the name of "faith-based initiatives"

Anonymous said...

Why would a Dem feel the need to (re)bribe the black intelligensia to vote for him?


JWM said...

To Anonymous one,

Should I put you down as OK with what Corzine is doing? Many Dems are.

For Anonymous two,

I think most Dems would say what Corzine is doing doesn't come near being bribing. They'll tell you that sort of bribing only happens when an R gives money to a right-wing preacher.

Do you wish Revs. Sharpton and Jackson would just speak out on this? I think it would be helpful.
