Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Pointing the way to a thinker's "gems"

At Betsy's Page she reminds us of "the gems" to be found in Thomas Sowell's Random thoughts columns. She provides examples from his Sept 20 column. My favorite was this one:

Students can graduate from even the most prestigious colleges and universities wholly unaware that there are not simply different opinions about particular issues but a whole comprehensive framework of ideas and analysis through which those issues can be seen in a way that leads to very different conclusions from the ones their professors have taught or insinuated.
Betsy got me to go to Sowell's column to see all "the gems." Here are two more I liked:
Do the people who are making so much noise about the difficulties of creating a constitution in Iraq have any awareness that it was 13 years after the Declaration of Independence before the Constitution of the United States was created?

When Ronald Reagan said that the government was spending money like a drunken sailor, he apologized to the sailors, who were after all spending their own money.
I hope you read Sowell's column and find some "gems" yourself.