Tuesday, August 02, 2005

A question for some Democrats

Iraq war veteran Paul Hackett is the Democrat candidate in today's special election to fill the U. S. House seat in Ohio's 2nd district which former Rep. Rob Portman, a Republican, vacated to become U. S. trade representative.

Hackett has offered himself as an antiwar candidate but he seems more an "I hate Bush" candidate. From the Washington Post (Aug. 1):

Hackett has harshly criticized President Bush for his July 2003 "bring 'em on" comment about Iraqi insurgents, saying such talk only added to the danger faced by U.S. forces.

"That's the most incredibly stupid comment I've ever heard a president of the United States make," Hackett told USA Today. "He cheered on the enemy." Hackett has also referred to the president as "a chicken hawk ... a person who advocates war in a cavalier way."

Hackett's also told voters he thinks the President is "a son of a bitch."

Do Democrats like Hackett and party chairman Howard Dean, who's called Bush "the enemy," realize they sound an awful lot like some of the people who were attacking President Kennedy just before Dallas?


Anonymous said...

I'll answer your question with a question. Are you going to support your president's invasion of Iraq by enlisting? If you're too old are you going to send your children into the miltary? Your grandchildren? Nieces, nephews? What are YOU doing? Hackett VOLUNTEERED for Iraq. What are YOU doing?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous - to your questions:
1. I damn sure would if I were a younger man.... but instead of joining the Air Force, if I were 18 again, it would be Army and SF all the way. I spent 21 years in, deployed on operations many times, pulled about 3,000 hours in not-too-friendly skies, and was proud to do so - despite the time away from my wife and the worry of my family. 2. If I had kids, I'd be proud of them for joining up. I have two nephews and several cousins serving, and couldn't be more proud of their service and the young men and women they are becoming. Perhaps better to look at what you've done, are doing, or intend to do...

Anonymous said...

hackett is right. no matter what your political philosophy, you should acknowledge that telling the enemy to 'bring it on' is, at least, frat-boy stupidity and rah-rah cheerleadership where decorum, true strength and real leadership are needed. why you right-wingers feel obliged to carry water for a cowardly poser like our president is beyond me. perhaps you are satisfied with his record of increased terrorist attacks on western soil, a sagging economy, constant confusion about the facts where intelligence is concerned, his refusal to allow anyone with an anti-bush bumper sticker to attend his events, his manipulation of ther press, his kow-towing to christian religious extremists and his propensity for being beaten by muslim ones, his tendency to bloat the government, the cutting of vets benefits... i mean, be a republican by all means, but be one with your eyes open. you relly were better off eight years ago. jeez.

Anonymous said...

Back to the point. What are YOU doing?

Anonymous said...

So, let's see what "we" are doing....

I'm paying my taxes.

I'm raising my children to be proud of their country, the armed forces, the police, etc.

I'm teaching my children to respect their teachers.

I'm arguing politely with nitwits like you. (Most days)


Anonymous said...

Good for you. Seriously. But... having a polite discussion then calling me a nitwit? Earning the label "right winger...carrying water for the President" based on a few sentences describing my pride in military service? If you knew me, you'd know I'm no "right-winger", and I carry water for no one. I just try to deal in the world of facts, not a world where if you say something loud enough and often enough it becomes the truth for far too many people. On this, both sides are guilty, so we do what we can to sift truth from the BS. Speaking of facts, how does consistent GDP growth + increased revenue to the federal government + low unemployment = "a sagging economy"? How does an increasing VA budget year after year = "cutting veterans' benefits"? I don't agree with the administration on every policy, but I will point out when I think they're being unfairly maligned.

Anonymous said...

xr -

I wasn't talking to you, was talking about A(1).


Anonymous said...

Hooah - my bad. A1 got a little under my skin, and I thought it was piling on. Best to you...

Anonymous said...

Hackett came so close to winning in a district that was majority for Bush in the last election that the Republican party ahd better examine how they are handling the nations business.

All of the nations business, not just Iraq.
America loves an underdog, and hates a bully.
The Democratics have achieved an underdog status and the Republicans have done wonders at giving new meaning to bully.