Monday, April 16, 2007

Hoax commentary – 4/16/2007

Readers Note: I’ve a transient medical situation the docs say will get better sooner if I stay prone most of the time.

So blogging will be light for a few days. But I’m reading and thinking a lot; and in order to “keep the blog light burning” I’ll post for the next few days some informal commentary posts without the usual links to sources. That will be a time saver and allow me to prattle on as if I were a “distinguished journalist and pundit.”


I thought last night’s 60 Minutes episode was a big plus for all involved: the players, Cooper and Stahl.

On another matter: The N&O has now given us a second and very different account of what took place at the “anonymous interview.” (really two sessions on the same day according to the N&O’s “latest”)

Don’t you think it’s fittingly ironic that Mangum told a number of conflicting stories and now the N&O is compelled to admit it told conflicting stories about its “anonymous interview” with her?

Why did the N&O give us such a false account in its March 25 “anonymous interview” story?

I still don’t have a satisfactory answer to that question, not to my own personal satisfaction, and certainly not to any level of confidence where I'd put it on the blog.

One thing I’m sure of: the answer to the question isn’t, “Samiha Khanna did it. She wrote the story.”

Young reporters dream of page one, above the fold, five column wide stories that are sure to “go national.”

But they don’t decide to put the stories there. Editors do that. And editors have the final call on what goes in a story.

I’m working on a post that will say more about that. Also, that the story had two reporters’ names bylined. The other was Anne Blythe.

Blythe and Khanna teamed, you’ll recall, on the first of the N&O’s framing stories that ran on March 24 and seven times called Mangum the “victim.”

Some people are talking about apologies. I predict the N&O will very soon offer a “Nifong-type” apology or claim it already has.

Did you all read N&O exec editor Melanie Sill and public editor Ted Vaden’s columns’ in the April 15 edition? They blamed the players and their parents for the N&O's false and racially inflammatory coverage last March and April.

Do any of you really believe I’m too critical of the N&O?

I’ll give you my answer: I spent a lot of today flat on my back but able to at least scroll a laptop and read many of my posts from last year on the Hoax.

A date was wrong here or there, and there were spelling errors, but the posts have stood up to time and unfolding events.

If anything, I was too cautious and understating in my posts regarding the N&O’s important role in launching and maintaining the frame-up.

The next time someone tells you how good the N&O’s coverage got after last April, ask that person a question if you think the person is intelligent and reasonable: Would the Nifong part of the frame-up have gone as far as it did and caused all the damage we know its caused, if last May when David Evans was indicted or last June when Duke Law professor James Coleman called for Nifong to remove himself from the case, the N&O had shared with us the critical information it withheld from us about what the frightened young mother, “struggling not to cry as she recounted the events,” really said?

My favorite person has just said I need to get prone.

I’ll be in touch again soon.

(This unproofed)


Anonymous said...

John: Rest. Think good thoughts. Know that all of us out here greatly appreciate the fine work you have been doing. Get suppine and get better.
Tom in Manns Harbor

Anonymous said...

I suggest that Blythe, Khanna and the entire N&O be permanently banned from consideration for any Pulitzer prizes. Instead they are permanent winners of the Putz award.

Anonymous said...

John, take care of yourself. I echo Tom's sentiments. You're an amazing blogger and a pleasure to "know."

Anonymous said...

Thanks John!

They can't keep you down, whether for health reasons or 1,000's of miles away!

If another topic like the Duke case comes up, contact Emmy (at LS). She'll help tell it like it is and add a few words in you can edit out later!

Anonymous said...


Get some rest! However, I agree that we need to be relentless with the N&O. Between Khanna, Blythe, and Sheehan, they truly set up the Hoax and legitimized it. Like Jon Ham said, it is like a person setting a fire, and then helping to put it out.

Joe Neff was and is a hero of the Hoax, but the others are not.

Anonymous said...

John: You are correct, of course, about the role of the N&O in the early phases of the Nifong-Mangum hoax. Nothing Neff did later on — and he did much excellent reporting — can completely make up for the newspaper's role in promoting the hoax.

Anonymous said...

They're blaming the players and parents?

Is that the new version of a rape victim "asking for it" by their clothes or their skin color in a certain neighborhood?

How does that work exactly?


Anonymous said...

For now, stay prone, and heal!

Anonymous said...


Get some rest. We've got you covered here. If necessary, we'll call in Anthony Boy Soprano to "take care of family business."

Walter Abbott

Ex-prosecutor said...

Having spent Christmas of 2000 in bed, awaiting surgery to repair a slipped disc, I can appreciate the need to be prone.

Over the months, I have enjoyed my daily reading of your views an hope you will continue to enlighten us with the events in and your views on these matters.

Anonymous said...

John, Take care and listen well to that "favorite person!" Joan

Anonymous said...

everybody is telling you to stay down. I will not. Having some experience with health problems, I encourage you to do any and every thing you feel up to. If you want to stay down, do so. If you do not, don't.

Your internal systems check will tell what is best for you. just pay attention to it.

I hope you feel better soon.