Monday, March 26, 2007

Hat tips to "skeptical," Liestoppers and ABC News

The ABC News story under the headlines:

Obama: Investigate Duke Lacrosse DA Nifong

Presidential Hopeful Says an 'Independent Inquiry Is Needed' into Durham, N.C., District Attorney Mike Nifong's Conduct
contains this paragraph:
Obama's comments were first posted on "Liestoppers," an online blog and forum on the Duke Lacrosse case. The user who posted them, known on that forum by the alias "sceptical," was the constituent who corresponded with Obama about the case.
Hat tips:

First, to citizen journalist “skeptical” for getting the story and getting it “out there.” If you “read the blogs,” you know this is just one more example of skeptical’s work on behalf of justice.

Second, to Liestoppers for providing the means for getting the news “out there.”

Third, to ABC News for being alert, picking up the story, and crediting skeptical and LS.

ABC News has given the rest of MSM and citizens an example of how an MSM news organization should function, and how blogs and MSM can together serve the public interest.

It was a pleasure to write this post.


Anonymous said...

Thanks John!

Sceptical and LS has done a fine job since early in the case.

Anonymous said...

Well, Nifong's behavior has been an Obamanation.

Sorry, couldn't possibly resist.