Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Talking with JinC Regulars and Reader Commenter - Aug. 9, 2006

I'm touched, informed and uplifted by your support and comments.

I'm also racing for the airport.

If you look at the recent posts you'll see where you can take you talents and care and put them to good use.

The N&O needs to here from you. There are people there still trying to prop up Nifong. They and some others in media don't want, in my opinion for more of the public to learn that DL is a hoax, followed by injustices and propped up now by bias and special interest ideologues and their silent enablers.

Sorry I didn't get Liestoppers and Lew Rockwell post done. I will late tonight. Both blogs are doing great work as are a growing number of blogs who are joining us.

Some news tonight but it will go up late.

Look for another of these "Talking etc. post by tomorrow A. M.

A hat tip to you all.

BTW - Don't miss the Aug. 8 Churchill Series post.

This unproofed.



Anonymous said...

Susan is better late than never. While she understates the case against Nifong, it's good to have her analysis. As for John, some of us wonder how he runs such an informative site and still does his regular job. Amazing.

Anonymous said...

The Committee to Recall Nifong - Vote Cheek filed with the Durham County Board of Education as a Political Action Committee according to Committee spokesperson Beth Brewer. Mrs. Brewer indicated that a formal statement would be released Monday. The Committee to Recall Nifong - Vote Cheek may be contacted at 919.310.1147 or
