Saturday, June 10, 2006

Duke lacrosse mother speaks out: A repost

Reader’s Note:

I put the post below up on Monday, Apr. 3. I believe it contains the first public statement made by any parent of a Duke Men’s lacrosse player.

Since Apr. 3, the public has learned a great deal that the police, DA and media knew then and had known for weeks, but hadn’t told the public. For instance, that the 3 lacrosse players who rented the house where the gang-rape was alleged to have occurred voluntarily gave statements to the police, voluntarily went to Duke Hospital and submitted to “rape tests,” and offered to take lie-detector tests.

I think you may welcome the opportunity to take a second look at the post with the benefit of what we’ve all learned since it was first published.

One other piece of background: On Apr. 2, The N&O published the infamous
“vigilante poster” despite pleas that doing so would only make it more likely that hate groups would target the lacrosse players, something that has come to pass.

Be sure to note the two comments at the end. They were prophetic



The media attacks on the Duke lacrosse team following an alleged rape at a party hosted by 3 members of team include two news columns by The Raleigh News & Observer’s Ruth Sheehan. ("Team's silence is sickening" and "Lacrosse team out of control")

Among other things Sheehan’s demanded: “Shut down the team.” She wants Duke to “dump” its coach.

Today at Sheehan's new blog a mother of one of the team members responded to her attacks.

I’m publishing the mother’s comment in full. It's a don't miss. I follow it with a response to the mother, which I left at Sheehan's blog.

The mother began:

I don't know if you have any children, I can't imagine that you do.

I'm sure you are aware of the cruelty and profound harm of discrimination against groups of people.

My son is a Freshman student-athlete on the Duke Lacrosse team. He is a young man honored for his integrity, academics and sportsmanship. He is a high school All American. He has worked hard since he was five years old to excel in a sport that he loves.

It is very difficult to put that much time into a sport and maintain excellent grades and an extensive record of community service. There are many other boys on this team who are similarly honored.

There are Christians who have never had a beer.

There are boys who did not go to the party.

There are boys who left the party early and did not have a beer.

And then there are boys who are "vile," "out of control" boys who have been arrested with an open container of beer. Why don't you delve into the arrest records of all Duke athletes, of all Duke students, or of all Duke employees, for that matter?

Can you imagine how proud my son was when he was recruited to Duke to study and play the sport in which he excels?

I went to Duke and his brother and sister graduated from Duke. Our love and respect for the University has been central to our lives.

You are discriminating against one group of people, not because of fact, but because of innuendo.

You are writing harmful generalizations about boys whom you know nothing about.

When these allegations are proven false, will you write about the woman who has victimized these boys? No, you won't because that is not sensationalist news.

These boys have faces. They are individuals with families. To grossly characterize them is slander and libel. You should be "dumped."

To the Duke lacrosse Mom:

Thank you for speaking out.

While many people are eager for the type of reporting/prosecution The N&O has been providing, many of us are keeping an open mind. We don't have lynch mob mentalities. We want things to work out in ways that are as fair and just as possible for all.

I can only imagine the intensity of the fears you and others must have now as you listen and read reports from police of threats of physical violence directed at Duke students in general, and members of the men's lacrosse team in particular.

Given those reports a lot of us thought Sheehan would at least tone down her attacks on the team. I talked to some people this morning who are not admirers of hers or The N&O but who were still surprised, even shocked, that in the current circumstances she and The N&O would run today's column.

We’re very sorry they did.

To your question as to whether Sheehan has children: She does, and sometimes writes about incidents impacting their lives.

I think people would agree that where her own children are concerned, Sheehan is very caring and protective.

I plan to post you're letter at my blog. Since it references Sheehan's columns, I will also link to them. That is seen by bloggers as being fair to readers. They can see both sides and make up their own minds.

Yes, that will give Sheehan a wider audience and inevitably some will cheer her on.

But most people I hear from at my blog are intelligent and fair. I have a pretty strong idea about what they'll think of Sheehan's columns and your letter.

Thank you for writing such a powerful and important letter. I admire you for being able to do so in these circumstances.


straightarrow said...
I can't help but think of Tawana Brawley. Which may be unfair to the young lady, but something just doesn't fit. Will wait and see.

6:24 PM
Anonymous said...
You can read that woman's letter and guess what kind of son she raised.

More MSM swing-and-a-miss reporting.


9:39 PM


Anonymous said...

John, Here's an E-mail to Ruth tribute of understanding for all Duke Lacrosse moms.

Ruth, I’m betting you are in the ” Stage One of Parenting”….the Glory Days. No matter what you say on the record, you silently, secretly believe that you can raise your children in such a careful, concerned way… that love and logic and your personally instilled values will armor them against peer pressure. Me too. In my case, I told my college friends my goal was to be a very well educated Mother. I married a man who enabled that dream. Three children. Church every Sunday: he was Senior Warden, I taught Sunday School. I was Den Mother, Room Mother, 4H leader. I read my son A.E. Houseman’s poetry and my daughters’, Edna St Vincent Millay. At night, every night , my husband spent one hour reading to them…the Chronicles of Narnia, the Bible. We bought a house on a lake with a pool, so our home could be where all the kids congregated. We stayed home many a Friday night, so they could “entertain” in a no-alcohol environment. These children were my career and I was nothing if not goal-oriented. One night (.the older two were a junior and senior in high school, the youngest in 8th grade)…an admiring neighbor blurted out that our children , our family was “amazing.” Everyone looked up to us. I can see myself, feigning modesty…a pompous ass with a wine glass in her hand. Mission Accomplished. At this stage, I might have written any of your articles on the Lacrosse case myself.

Stage Two began some months later when my daughter gave MY car keys to an unlicensed driver who was subsequently involved in a hit and run accident.” Incredulous” is not a sufficient adjective here. But there was more to come, Ruth. Because I am not writing the Great American Novel here…I’ll just give you the bullet points, spread across three adolescents and a number of years.

Anorexia (1)

Underage Drinking (3)

Court appearance for underage drinking (1)

And, the coup de gras,…one actual, but blessed brief missing persons report

The perfect son became an angry college student , the beautiful daughter an anorexic, and our baby, the sorority drinker. By the grace of God, they did not fall into a vortex of Fate like these Lacrosse players. At this point, reality was teaching me some hard lessons about my own limitations, about peer pressure, about good kids floundering while they try to find a separate identity. That woman with the wine glass was humbled.

I’m in Stage Three now. The “kids” are three productive, kind sensitive adults. The anger is abated, the anorexia long under control, the drinking , an occasional glass of wine. But on this far side of parenting, I found your early columns very symptomatic of Stage One. You could NEVER, for one second, imagine your own children in that house, your own child responding to a racial slur with a racial slur. Because of that, you should have recused yourself. No one in Stage One can fairly write about this story. Before one piece of evidence was in, when all you had was an allegation, you took out every arrow in your verbal arsenal and went after these boys relentlessly. Because you could never, ever, see your own child in that house, you were empathy-impaired.

With only allegation and no evidence, you wrote “we know you know.” With only allegation and no evidence, you wrote” the silence is sickening.” With only allegation and no evidence, you wrote “Shut down the team.” As the public reads more and more court filings, you seem unable to absorb a alternative theory. You write about the racial slurs as if destroying these boys lives is a fitting result. You post a “Sister survivor website and link”…while you are silenct on what court filings now tell us about the injuries (or lack thereof) and relevant work history of the escort worker ( not exotic dancer) Please don’t respond that you want to wait to see all the evidence. No one with that position could have written “We know you know.”

Try this, Ruth. The little one at your breakfast table this Sunday, try to imagine him not perfect. See him doing the stupid thing and going to that house that night. On the basis of one allegation, becoming the target of the local newspaper, hate groups, vigilante posters, media assaults, women’s groups, and race baiting militants who threaten violence. “We know you know”…Ruth. Your powerful words, in a widely read column led the charge. This is what you did, with only allegation and no evidence, to those much-loved children of other Moms.

JWM said...


I've read your comment 3 times today.

It is extraordinary.

I don't know if Sheehan will realize that your comment is a gift to her.

It is also a gift to readers here.

I want to say more about your comment, really an essay, but I want to organize my thoughts first.

But I will be back commenting about it here by Tuesday morning.

I hadn't been going to Sheehan's blog and I usually don't read her column.

I only read her Duke lacrosse columns because friends alerted me to how unfair and dangerous they were.

Regarding Melenie's blog, I'm so glad you and others pressed on the DLC.

My guess is you and the others had something to do with Melanie finally opening a DLC post.

Hats Off.

I may not comment there right away but I'm not leaving the scene.



JWM said...


Do you mean for your comment to be an email to Sheehan or have you posted it as a comment at her blog?

I went there last evening late and didn't find your comment but could have missed it.

Please let me know what you plan to do.

I want to say again how admiring I am of your ability to combine thoughts with writing skills.

I don't envy your talents but I sure admire them.

More fine comments at the Editor's Blog re: Duke lacrosse.

In a day or two I'll say a few things in a Talking with Regulars post. You'll see where some of what I say fits right with what your doing.

You are, IMHO, making a difference.



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If you have a moment, please have a look at my sed rate site.
Good luck!