Thursday, February 15, 2007

The Churchill Series – Feb. 15, 2007

(One of a series of weekday posts on the life of Winston S. Churchill.)

I can’t cite a source but if you’ll trust the top of my head you’ll enjoy this story.

Sir Stafford Cripps was a Labour Party leader who served during WWII in Churchill’s National Unity Government, first as Ambassador to Russian and later as Leader in the House of Commons. He again held cabinet office when Labour came to power in 1945

Cripps manner was severe and his life-style austere. He was a non-drinker.

Something else. Cripps’ skin has been described as alabaster in color except for his nose, which for some reason had a reddish hue.

One day Cripps and Churchill were lunching. Near the end of it Churchill said: “I must tell you, Stafford, I think it was wonderful of the Almighty to arrange it so I would get to do the drinking and you would get the nose.”


Anonymous said...

The Inc. com site has the following: William Manchester, in his biography of Winston Churchill, The Last Lion, relates an incident from the 1940s. Churchill's archrival in Parliament was Labour leader Clement Atlee. One day in the men's room, Churchill arrived to find Atlee standing at the urinal trough. He positioned himself as far away as possible. "Feeling standoffish today, are we, Winston?" Atlee asked. "That's right," Churchill snapped. "Every time you see something big, you want to nationalize it."