Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Duke's Women's Lacrosse Team Shows Support

At MSNBC this headline and story:

Duke lacrosse women to wear 'innocent' bands
Duke University women's lacrosse team members will wear sweatbands that read "innocent" in their game against Northwestern in the Final Four on Friday in Boston to show their support for three members of the men's team who are charged with raping a stripper during a team house party, the Durham Herald-Sun reported Wednesday.

"Obviously we want to win a national championship for ourselves, but definitely also for the university and the men's team," junior Leigh Jester told the newspaper. "They don't really have a chance to play their season, which is a shame.

"We'd love to bring it home not only for ourselves, but also for them."

Mike Pressler, who resigned as the men's coach April 5, talked to the women's team after practice Tuesday, the newspaper said.

"I think his message was a little bit more believing in themselves and looking at the year we had in spite of the difficulties that Duke and the lacrosse program have seen," women's coach Kerstin Kimel told the Herald-Sun.
That’s a fine gesture by the Women’s lacrosse team which the Men’s team, their families and friends will certainly appreciate it.

If you’re familiar with Duke lacrosse, you know there’s a history of mutually shared respect and support between the Men’s and Women’s programs.

But MSM doesn’t tell you much about that. Too tough to fit within their story frame.