Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Palmetto Pundit picks up on some MSM hokum

With some gentle poking at The Washington Post for its annual whine about the President's vacation, Palmetto Pundit reminds me again of why he's one of my favorite bloggers.

But I've a question for him. Something he didn't cover in his post.

When comparing President Bush's vacation days to President Clinton's, does the Washington Post count days Clinton spent in the Oval Office with Monica as work or vacation days?

How about all that time Clinton spent with attorneys working up his defense in the Paula Jones suit, and the time he later spent negotiating that $800,000.00 settlement with her?

I'd say all that time was vacation/play related, but I'll listen to any Democrat in or out of MSM who says it was work.

But, of course, the final call is the Washington Post's.


Barry said...

Thanks for the link, John! Thanks for pointing out the Clinton angle. I guess I thought the fact that their own source for the vacation story contradicted them was enough for one day. It would probably have been better had the Clinton comparison been in there, but I guess I'm not as quick on my feet as you are. Take care!