Tuesday, June 28, 2005

I thought Bill and Hillary. Can you blame me?

I'm scanning and spot a post: The Lincoln Bedroom. Ah, Bill and Hillary; they charged $75 thousand per night, didn't they?

They did but I was wrong about the post. I'll explain.

Who forgets that when then President and Mrs. Clinton occupied the White House, they "rented" the Lincoln bedroom at a $75 thousand per night rate to campaign contributors.

That came to mind when I first saw The Lincoln Bedroom post at Powerlineblog.com.

Reading on, I learned the post concerned a critical symposium The Claremont Review of Books recently sponsored on C.A. Tripp's, The Intimate World of Abraham Lincoln, which claims Lincoln was homosexual.

I should have read more than the post's title before jumping to the Bill and Hillary conclusion. But can you blame me?

Powerline's Lincoln Bedroom Post is here.

The Claremont symposium is linked here.